Charlotte E. Moser, PhD

NSF Postdoctoral Fellow | University of Colorado Boulder


Charlotte is a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Colorado Boulder, working with Dr. Tiffany Ito and Dr. Eva Pietri. Charlotte received her PhD in 2022 from the University of Kansas. At KU, Charlotte studied allyship, intergroup relations, and gender with Dr. Nyla Branscombe. Before coming to the University of Kansas, Charlotte received undergraduate degrees in Psychology and Sociology at Iowa State University. 

Charlotte studies the impact of allyship from dominant group members on members of marginalized groups. She is primarily interested in how allyship from men aids women's retention and well-being in underrepresented, male-dominated fields. She also studies ways in which to motivate dominant group members to engage in allyship behaviors for marginalized outgroups. 

In her free time, Charlotte enjoys reading, hiking, and spending time with her two cats.